When a friend precises to me, when inviting me, that they wants to eat a pumpkin soup, I pout. I do not like soup and I like even less the pumpkins. So I start looking for a soup bar in Tunis, find one, the Marsa, go there, and but very enthusiastic! https://www.facebook.com/LeBarASoupe/

Great is my surprise! The restaurant is full. Although with two small tables, it quickly filled! But the decor, the narrowness of the place and the little street in which it is, “Drink & Buy” charmed me. The comings and goings of customers who go get their orders enliven the place. The owner who is active, smiling and being very caring for his customers, absolutely pleasant!

Here the choice is displayed on a slate. The proposals of the day range from soup to pumpkin nutmeg, velvety spinach and Boursin, cream of zucchini ginger basil and mozzarella chips or a “tchiche octopus”. Here, the concept could not be clearer! Soups, soups and yet almost nothing but soups! They are liquid, creamy, vitamin, colorful, hearty, vegetarian ….

bar a soupe
Prices of soups are around 12, 14, 11, DT. These are beautifully served in beautiful plates of black sandstone and placed on individual trays of olive wood. The meal is served with two tartinettes (tuna, cheese or salad méchouia) that are neither savory, nor pretty, nor generous and less still well studied in relation to choice of soup controlled!

bar a soupe
The choice of soup varies depending on the daily market, vegetables and season meat and surely the mood of the chef cooking! The promise is to eat healthy and do good for the body!

Deal! I would, though I like neither soup nor the pumpkin cream!

I would, if only to taste the “cheese cake” with berries! Delicious, it went like hotcakes.

Small flat, the restaurant is tiny! This is not the right plan to discuss major issues but the conversation with neighboring binds rapidly and we really had a good time!