
With its two flagship cities, the archaeological site of Maktaris and the breathtaking village of Kesra, Siliana is a unique terroir.

Mentioning the flagship cities does not dispense with mentioning the hiking and caving destinations that are Djebel Serj or Djebel Bargou or the exceptional water sources such as Ain Soukra or Ain Boussadia.

It should be noted that in the region there are more than 1800 historic sites from the most distant prehistoric times to the Islamic era. However, the territory remains strongly symbolized by the famous site of Zama where a battle of the 2nd Punic War, in 202 before JC, opposed Hannibal to Massinissa. Military school case, this battle accelerated the fall of Carthage, 50 years later.

The region is home to an archaeological museum in Makthar. It is placed in a garden on a rock located at 900 m above sea level and contains exceptional pieces that testify to the history of Christianity in Tunisia. The ancient city, awaiting excavations, consists of a church, a temple, thermal baths, …

In terms of local products, Siliana is famous for producing one of the best lamb meat in the country. The typical restaurants are masters in the grill of chops, liver, merguez they serve accompanied by a salad méchouia, olive oil, traditional bread, cured meat, … In Siliana city, do not miss the restaurant The Palm trees, its kamounia (minced with cumin) is delicious and its couscous with meslen (saddle) unavoidable.

When it comes to shopping, Siliana is the perfect place to fill up with eucalyptus honey, a thousand flowers, thyme … or for basketry and women’s pottery from Bargou.

Photo credits: Pierre Gassin