It is in Teborssouk, a few kilometers from Dougga in the plains of the Medjerda and as the crow flies from the mountains of Khroumirie, is a farm like no other. A place of heart and passion where honey APIS VAGA is being extracted. Reportage of 1001Tunisie to discover the steps of the extraction of nectar …

It is in Vaga, suburb of Dougga …. What begins the extraction of honey

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To protect the Queen and her soldiers, an incense composed of branches of rosemary, thyme and / or eucalyptus embalms the hive by means of an in-smoking room.

The bees are moving away. The human hand can intervene in the hive without causing damage.

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Apis vaga et fin du voyage cosat rica 229The hands of the beekeepers begin to work. They choose a frame filled with mature honey in the building. The bees panic …Apis vaga et fin du voyage cosat rica 239The honey proceeds to be collected by being detached by hand of means of a hers.

Apis vaga et fin du voyage cosat rica 248Joy and pride are linked to the faces of beekeepers.Apis vaga et fin du voyage cosat rica 245

The product is thus collected.

It is placed in an extractor which is turned by hand to collect the precious nectar.

Apis vaga et fin du voyage cosat rica 248Honey is collectedApis vaga et fin du voyage cosat rica 260