For its second episode the podcast of received Houssem Ben Azzouz, President of the Interprofessional Federation of Tunisian Tourism (FI2T). He spoke about his relations with the tourism administration and the traditional federations such as the Tunisian Federation of Hotels (FTH) and the Tunisian Federation of Travel Agencies. Powered by ,The podcast consists of an interview and 3 chronicles: “Euf we kaaba halwa”, “Embarkation Immediate” and “1000Kiff and Kiffek”.

In his interview, Houssem Ben Azouz explained that the ambition of the IFTT is to bring together all the actors and operators of tourism, particularly alternative. It presents the approach of this new federation and insists on the diversity of its members. In addition to some 120 travel agencies, the structure includes golf operators, medical and sports tourism, agritourism and events, cultural tourism, underwater activities, guest houses and cottages, Hiking activities …

In all, there are 15 structures that bring together operators who work on the value chain and who not only aim to create a destination, but also to promote it and help to make it emerge and evolve: “Our ambition is to show and To give the floor to other actors of tourism than those that are seen all the time, which exist and which are impossible to circumvent. “The IFTT gives place to those that one does not see or hear” explains Houssem Ben Azouz .

To be concrete, Houssem Ben Azzouz gives an example; That of medical tourism. The sector has drained more than 300 thousand customers for Tunisia in 2016: “On average, this client-patient spends at least 6 thousand dinars, so the sector makes about 180 million dinars. What investment is it made to seduce, convince, inform, raise awareness …. This disinterest is a dry loss for a country and a destination that can not afford it .. Worn by the private sector (clinics, travel agencies ) We are losing ground in the face of competing destinations such as Morocco or Turkey, which operate in a positive public / private partnership and market.

Except that for the moment, the speech of Houssem Ben Azzouz is little audible. It must be admitted that even if IFTT has recently been received by the Assembly of People’s Representatives (PRA), the structure is not very audible. Relations with the Ministry are still quite timid. However, he believes that the situation is moving in the right direction.

In this podcast, 1000tounes we tounes also reviews the case of the Dj, his sentence to one year in prison and its repercussions on Tunisian tourism and relations with the British market. “Euuf et Kaaba Halwa” is a chronicle presented by Rym Ben Arous which will return every week to make a favorite and sometimes a claw.

“Immediate Embracing” is the other heading of 1000tounes we tounes that sets sail to Prague this week. A young, accessible and visa-free destination. You will discover the main part of the city, the hotel packages for cheap and you will remember that Prague is a must-see capital of the night. And then, know that there is a typical and traditional cuisine for less than 20 Dt … but that is a secret!

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