She is Thouraya Ouhada and her name is now associated with the slipper modernized, trendy and chic that she produces under the evocative name of Samarkand. Her produce is sold on the net and the members of her FB page. Men and women who have them by hand before putting them on foot, are torn between the orientalist slippers , urban slippers , ethnic slippers , striped slippers , calligraphy slippers,  …Maintenance

1001Tunisie Samarkand a Persian name for a slipper that is born there, it is found. But does it make Tunisian?

Thouraya Ouhada: Samarkand’s not a Tunisian name but it does not prevent it to showcase know-how 100% Tunisian. You know, There are shops that are called Sidi Bou Said and selling camels in fluff “Made in China”! We all know the riches of the East in Tunisia and it is called Samarkand or Carthage, essentially my brand is to present great achievements made by local small hands.
And I must admit that my brand name comes from the famous book by Amin Maalouf Samarkand. This book really made me dream. I stayed in this wonderful world that inspired me. So I decided to name my designs around the name of the same book.

How was the brand born? Where did you get your passion for slippers?

I always had a passion for slippers; traditional shoes, formerly embroidered with gold and silver. We had to try to give it new life. My ambition is that the slipper again become young and trendy. I have traveled a lot in my life around the world in recent years and I noticed that the young designers do wonders from objects or traditional clothing. This inspired me and I told myself that it was worth trying it with the slippers!

Sexier, feminized and accessorized one can only wonder why the slipper is in fashion again?

Absolutely, the slipper is fashionable. I think this is due to a certain nostalgia for old things and well done. At a time when everything is electronic, digital and “high tech”, we probably need a little reminder of the good things and objects from the past delivered to date. Moreover, this trend cartonne bohemian chic in fashion, the decor, the lifestyle …

Your slippers are produced by hand in genuine leather with superb finishings and original themes. Suffice it to say that we love them so easily! When will you open your shop?

I would like to continue in the spirit Atelier Privé, with limited editions and unique pieces also well-done. The shop, it will be not for now!

Will you export your slippers?

For export, there are opportunities that are under consideration. It would be rewarding and interesting to export A1-brand, trendy slippers “Made in Tunisia”

Are your slippers produced in your workshops?

They are produced in talented artisans. They are sort of the guardians of ancestral knowledge.

Is a collection getting  started  for the 2016-2017 school-year ?

Absolutely, and we’re working on! But also know that Samarkand, are also clothes and items, silks … In fact, everything the Silk Road inspired! Samarkand is above all a journey and a certain idea of beauty which I share.

How do you sell? Where can I order them? How do you deliver?

For now, it is the hear-say and Facebook operating. I give friends and acquaintances, until the evening workshop operational very soon. That said, you can order on the Facebook page and know that I personally answer.

Can we learn more about you?

I subscribe fully to this bohemian spirit that bears my work and ideas come at the pace of travel and meetings. I am also very committed to animal rights in Tunisia, mainly in the rescue of stray animals, often sick or injured. We treat and try to find adoptions in Tunisia and abroad.