Sonia is Chamkhi a film-maker. She came out somewhat shocked at the condition of the last session of the JCC. The opportunity for 1001Tunisie to focus with her and take news of her film “Aziz Rouhou”. By Amel DJAIT

1001Tunisie: What is your assessment you the last session of the JCC. Away from the controversy, what should be in this event to become international, imposing, respectful ofits audience and its guests?

Sonia Chamkhi: A very mixed results because of many organizational deficiencies and vision were identified. The management of film screenings as well as the opening and closing ceremonies of the event, were almost catastrophic.

What should be done ? First audit of finances, management and selection criteria of the various stakeholders and partners of the previous sessions: selection committees, training of juries, responsible for conferences and publications, boxes of events and communications. In short, to review and analyze all the services of the JCC providers. This seems to escape controls and a real control!

Why ?

The organizing teams JCC changed partially but practices in various proportions, -they- did not change! This is the same lack of transparency and endless favoritism which continues from one session to another.

Besides, I do not want to spread myself on this subject. I do not think there is a willingness of any objective diagnosis without which we will not be reached in this state! The situation is known and decried by all CGC while celebrating their fiftieth anniversary.

A peak for this anniversary edition

The irony is that this session has almost been delivered to the goodwill of its President Ibrahim Letaeif which proved, unfortunately, incompetent. He worked without any guideline or editorial, missed deduction, concocted a bizarre mix of “show biz” star-system, commitment, improvisation and populism.

Ultimately, and away from controversy, so that the JCC become a mature event, imposing, respectful of its audience and its guests, he should simply respect the watchwords known by all: transparency, integrity, competence , monitoring and regulating.

How do you see the evolution of the relationship between professionals and JCC?

To put it frankly, rather rough and I regret it very strong. As I said, in the absence of transparency, control and the requirement of competence, each session generates and generates “executioners” and “victims” and the roles are reversed and reversed depending on who runs the JCC!

It is taking the look of war of “lobby” and clan interests. It’s really sad to admit, but yes we are here! My big concern is this to continue


How is “Azziz Rouhou” doing/? Where is he? What he took courses from?

“Aziz Rouhou” or Narcisse continues a nice route. He was given a wonderful welcome in theaters in Tunisia where it remained on display for several weeks. In my distributor Goubantini Group, the film has made more than 70,000 spectators.

“Aziz Rouhou” enjoys recognition and esteem considerable for an indie film and low budget. He received, among others, the Trophy for Best Feature Film in the International Competition of the African Film Festival FESTICAB, the special jury mention of CInéAlma Festival of Nice, tied with “Sky Boundaries” of Fares Naanaa. On the other hand, the film won several first acting award for Aïcha Ben Ahmed, Ghanem Zrelli and at international festivals including those in Morocco, Egypt, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and soon in Brazil

Is Sonia Chamkhi proud?

It is absolutely beautiful and rewarding for me to be an ambassador for my country, its culture and its artistic expertise. I am proud to be one of the voices of my country in the world. My pride, I also derive it from the fact that I made this film with the help of a 100% Tunisian skills team. I greet loudly!

Do you have any current projects?

I alternate between making films and writing. I hitched currently writing a screenplay for a Senegalese director.

I am also working on a book about the Tunisian Cinema that will complement my two previous tests, focusing respectively on 85-95 and 96-2006 decade to cover the 2006 to 2016 decade. This mission is close to my heart because of our cinematography analysis of books are rare while the role of writing and publications in saving our cinematic memory, art is crucial.

How do you see the promotion of Tunisia as a location?

Whether this vital sector for production (as service provider) or other sectors (production of Tunisian films), distribution and exhibition of films in general, nothing will happen and it will only improve!

For this, we need reform of the film industry in Tunisia, which has been discussed and developed for years, comes into force and quickly. This reform undertaken by professionals in the film industry was first held in 2009-2010, and then for six months in 2011 for consultation with the Revolution has spread widening skills before and which I d Besides participated as President-elect of the Association of Tunisian Film Directors from 2011 to 2013.

This has affected all aspects (financial, legislative, technical and training) and yielded 5 detailed reports. Each report was devoted to a particular industry namely, production, industry, distribution, exhibition and festivals. Today this reform is like thrown to the dustbin. On a clean slate and we start consultations in all directions and not necessarily fair as if the diagnosis was not made and the solutions were not available!

Now it is a much more advanced stage and it would act among others by agreements to be established with other departments and agencies including finance, technology, telecommunications and media as an efficient reform of the film industry engage these various spheres of decision and its implementation depends of political will and state.

In sum and to synthesize only the prosperous give our cinema health it needs. If the sector and the actors give the sad lot of observation stand somewhere is also because they are cornered there: in a sick industry, how to give the best of ourselves? How to build a healthy relationship? How successful are our films and our festivals and honor, in fairness and solidarity, our country?