1001Tunisie : Is it an old palace? Who was “Abderrahamane Zarrouk”?
Najet Allani: It is not a palace but  a residence of the XVIII century the caïd Abderrahman Zarrouk who is also my great grandfather. This is a fairly rich home in ornaments and architectural engineering and Arab Moorish style with Venetian paintings. In fact, this is a mix that is specific to Tunisia. All the space is used in dining rooms (3 rooms and patio) and “skaiefs” and “mkassers” are operated in showrooms and art gallery.

What are the specialties of the house?
Kouskous in all its forms. We propose a “marka hloua” farmyard chicken, “borghol”, the “nwasser” and “Medfouna”. We also do “briks dennouni”, the “aknef”, stuffed artichokes, Depending on the season, the daily market …

How much is the budget per person for a lunch or a dinner?
40dt to 50dt  per person.

What is the investment amount? How many people work there?
The total amount is 500 000DT and employ ten people and more indirectly.

Is it not  difficult in such conditions to invest in a tourist project in the old Kairouan remains one of the forgotten regions of tourism and development?
I do not think because this project is not intended to classic said mass tourist, but is designed for Tunisian foreign customers and open and curious who want to discover our culture and our lifestyle.

My targets are Tunisian (resident in Tunisia or abroad) who travel for business or family, diplomats and foreigners residing in Tunisia who want to discover the deep Tunisia and not   The Tunisia through hotels .

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