Moez Boudaly (MB) work in the hotel industry. He is the first to introduce the Lounge Bar in its modern building in Tunis after working for an international hotel chain on the Carthage Coast and has launched the Mirage Lounge & Restaurant; a trendy beach that has risen to the top of the fashionable places of Hammamet.

MB: is he for real the first to haveo launched a “beach” mixing the Ibiza style to Hammamet? No, he is the first to have made it too big, too ambitious, too fast … And also well thought! When I find him in sportswear on a Sunday at 12h  visiting places, he outlines watching the crowds pour in, a smile on his face. The smile of those who succeed because they dare!
What is the concept of “Royal Mirage”? What does He have that’s  so special to win such a fast success? Is the 3300m2 of organized beach, refined decor, tasty food made with fresh products, Dj going up the turntables from 19h until midnight and 120 waiters running in all directions at the service of family clientele, fashionable, easy to make the success of this place?

MirageThis place looks like the Tunisians who want to “kiffer” life. Here, a single premium principle: “Enjoy Life!” This place is the temple of the joy of living under stress for people who need to have fun and have a good time with friends or family here …. we have thought of everything, customer comfort with individual huts where he can adjust music and have their soft drinks, their security by drawers with keys, their entertainment with a musical quality program, etc. .. We also optimized the working conditions of the staff who we wanted young, dynamic, dressed in shorts and t-shirt and managing square Vip … “responds MB.

And it’s going on well since the Royal Mirage is always full. Finding a place especially on weekend is an obstacle course. Here we serve over 800 pizzas / day and pasta with divine lobster ! The property charges an average of 90 Dt / person. The investment of this site dining and entertainment is one million dinars.

In these times of crisis and despite the gloom, MB is he a UFO in the world of tourism and catering heading to depression in Tunisia? “The money is there but we must slave away to gain it” . Everything is done in our area and you really have to take this crisis to improve service to our structures, train staff, restore a relationship of trust with the customer … I know the mentality of the Tunisian or Algerian in my hotels in Tunis, they are demanding customers to whom we need to be able to give an answer …. “says MB.

Is The Mirage Lounge & diner facilities free from criticism? Is it not already a victim of its success? Serene and realistic, MB replied: “The service is always perfectible. The Listening and The Door are the keystones to success. At the door of Mirage Restaurant & Lounge, There is my son with a solid and professional team of security and spotters. We created this place in a month. Next year we promise more and better anticipate and include a dock for boats! “
When Moez Boudaly goes toward customers to greet, I imagine Hammamet housing 10, 20, 50 such facilities and this category! I imagine all full to bursting … I guess cruise ships coming north of the Mediterranean for a dish of Bizerte oysters  … I imagine Hammamet rising from the ashes …


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