1001Tunisie: Ennahda party, through its leader Rached Ghannouchi, sold the Islamic tourism model to the Turkish. However, it turns out that it does not exist. The AKP to its arrival, found a flourishing sector in the hands of a strong profession and ambitions of the ruling party have been limited to use some niches such as “halal” hospitality  which now explodes in Turkey …

Imed Rezgani: Tourism must stay away from any ideology and any debate and political controversy. The business has no ideology. We must separate things. In the business world, there is a law and it is called profitability. We need resources for our country. We have a potential, so take advantage of it and create added value.

“Halal” Tourism  is an opportunity. Hamadi Jebali said there is no “halal” tourism  while all destinations of the world squint in this market. Doesn’t This statement cast doubt?

“Halal”Tourism  is not tourism that will replace the existing tourism of several decades. Far from it!

Let us be clear, the goal is clear. This is changing and improving to boost Tunisian tourism. The question is: should we or not meet the demand? Demand being ready to meet their demands and take advantage of opportunities that arise.

The record of management funds  of debts in the hotel sector raises many fears. What are the guidelines? What are the options?

There are three possible options: the company managements of assets, the reversal of the Fund and objectives Management Unit. The most mature alternative at this time is that of the asset management company.

This is a solution to the sector. I want immediately to clarify that this is not the whole industry but rather of 154 hotels indebted among the 850 hotels that make up the fabric of the Tunisian hotel.

Will these 154 units be handled case by case or on block?

Case by case. They can not be treated as a unit. In terms of classification or ranging, there are two approaches.

The classification into four groups A to D. For A, a simple arrangement with the bank possible. For B and C, consider rentals, aid management … The D are in a critical condition with enormous challenges of profitability, management mode.

The second classification is done according to bank debt, from 1 to 5. There are hotels that are at levels 4 and 5. The indebted hotels outside interest reserve are 654 to 861 million dinars in the two types of classification. How to find a solution to these hotels? You are aware that the most important part of the debt amounts to Société Tunisienne de Banque (STB).

This is precisely what makes that the current governance wants to save the banking sector at the expense of the hotel sector.

This is not true at all, and classification of hotels in many categories proves it. Our goal in this matter is to find a solution to the hospitality industry and not to the banking sector that is doing well so far.

If we wanted to save the banking sector exclusively, we could spare any effort to improve management and to direct this failing hotel and I am speaking about indebted property units in question- for sale.

The management company must seek to regenerate this hotel and give it momentum. These hotels have benefited in the past from the rescheduling of debt without success. The reschedule claimed by the Tunisian Hotel Trade Federation (FTH) can solve the problems of hotel A and B, but no those hotels that are in category C and D. It is for us to revive activity in whole.

Just reduce tourism to hotels in general and those who are bad especially leaden tourism …

Sadly ! When talking about tourism, we talk only hotels in Tunisia while the sector is not exempting other actors. The choices that have been made are for the least we can say, bad! I would say that hoteliers who have invested in the sector have suffered from these choices.

Can the “inclusive”  boost the sector? Can the current quality change the image of Tunisian tourism? Can Existing current products make it a destination?

It is, I think, largely time to ask questions of substance. It is now diversifying products, markets, communications, sales channels … We must implement the strategy and get the job done. It should also speed up the “Open Sky” and stop being afraid. Should mortgage tourism deal with fears? We need a comprehensive vision in which the Open Sky falls by expanding the fields.

Interview. By Amel Djait
