Brave tourists are often baffled by the difficulty of finding simple information. Some offices of the Tunisian Tourism Unions have even no internet connection. Should we laugh or cry!
In Tunisia, some struggling to study the possibility of making available to customers and in other sites and museums in the country, the grandmother of audio guides. A system of walkie-talkie several arrivals facilitating communication with listeners of the same tour.
Sofiane Harzallah is an independent guide. Guiding is his profession for many years and is well placed to know that such technology could bring such comfort to the client during his visits. He tries to convince about institutions as well as private operators.

1001 Tunisie: What guides audio rental facilitate tour?
Sofiane Harzallah: During the excursions all explanations, comments and different practice guide or speaking during the visit of an archaeological site, museum, neighborhood happens to everyone and at the same time. You are aware that tourists are often bothered by the noise hardly hearing the explanations of the guide, especially when there is a lot of noise in one place. During the cruise excursions for example, they are dozens of groups speaking different languages collided. All these inconveniences disappear suddenly with audio guides.

Technically what is the scope of these audio guides?
Perfect sound over a range of 70 meters and more.

Enjoy the technology could help give a modern kick to excursions whose content changes so little. That would not it be ideal also for the new Museum of Bardo?
Absolutely, these audio guides are for museums and also for outside visits as walks or visits to archaeological sites. You have no idea of comfort it gives to the customer. Field guides should wait for everyone before starting, scream to be heard and rarely listened to. They must also be careful not to “lose” customers on the course. During the visiting time, it is dead time that takes over! With this technology, the tourist will have more freedom of movement even in groups!

But the guide remains at the heart of the tour
I think it is important to keep this human contact. It is warm and it matches the destination Tunisia. It is not enough to have a museum audio guide when you press a code and you get an explanation. What I propose is a way also to maintain usability, trade, humor, interactivity!

Interview by Amel Djait

