On  November 17 and 18 2016 will be held in Tunis The BtoB Days  Tourism Tunisia / Algeria. Worn by AH Communication, it is designed as a series of events to bring together tourism professionals. A Meeting with Amel Hantous bringing the project unfolds, for this edition, the standard of Algerian Tunisian cooperation. Interview by Amel DJAIT

1001tunisie: Introduce to us Amel Hantous and AH Com  briefly.

Amel Hantous: AH advice is a Communication Agency and Event-specializes in organizing professional events.

How did the idea of organizing these two days to the Tunisian-Algerian tourism arise?

On my proposal, the agency has been mandated by ONTT (National Office of Tunisian Tourism) CONECT International (Confederation of Citizen Enterprises of Tunisia), the Tunisian Federation of Travel Agencies (FTAV), the International Council of Women Entrepreneurs (CIFE), the LOUATI group (Algeria – Tunisia) and many other professionals Tunisian and Algerian partners in the sector to organize the First Meeting of the Tourism Professionals in Algeria.
What is the purpose of BtoBe Tourism?

This first edition, entitled “COOPERATION, EXPERTISE AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF INTEREST CROSSING” is for Tunisian and Algerian tourism professionals. It aims to make them meet and open to new opportunities.

Who are the participants?

Targeted participants are Algerian investors, current and future hoteliers, tourist project sponsors major (entertainment complexes, restaurants …), tour operators, travel agencies, schools and training centers specialized in tourism services.

Why Algeria?

The choice of Algeria as the first guest country is dictated by several factors, the most important; namely a potential ground for successful business in the tourism sector.

The country is experiencing a steady improvement of the business climate and the emergence of the private sector. The country can be a gateway to a market of quality tourism. With an attractive location for both cultural and natural (desert of sight, ..) and incomparable historical monuments, culture and cliffs …) To these factors is the willingness of the Algerian authorities to develop tourism sector which is materialized by the development of the “Outline of Tourist development Director” (SDAT) for the construction of 800 to 1400 tourism projects over the next decade …

algerAnd for Tunisia?

For Tunisia, the country has 50 years of expertise in tourism, with a recognized expertise and a skilled labor force and constituting one of the main destinations of the European market. In addition, with its potential, Tunisia has been able to respond positively to the tourism crisis occurred after 2011. The country owes this reactivity to its Maghreb neighbors, especially Algerians ..

bto b

So is it your goal to separate the two forces?

Absolutely. The idea is to merge the efforts of both countries to create positive synergies. Today, as professional value-added services, we aim to be the catalysts of the Tunisian-Algerian partnership for sustainable tourism expansion on the one hand and economic development on the other.

Has AH Com got other markets in the viewfinder?

Indeed, two editions will be held in Algeria in 2017. That said, we have in the viewfinder Francophone Africa starting with Senegal. An edition for Asia is also in the pipe