We dreamed of it, the Pinna Association for the development and the promotion of ecotourism initiated it. From now on, it is possible to book a retreat or initiation to Yoga in Tunisia with a young organization whose concerns are of a socio-economic, environmental and ecological nature with as major niches ecotourism and education to the marine and coastal environment .

The Association, which has already intervened in the implementation of small initiatives by civil society organizations in North Africa, particularly with the development of a submarine trail in the Bay of Melloula-Tabarka, Hui to another niche.


For Chokri Mansour, project bearer, guide and operator in the region, this new offer makes it possible to discover otherwise the North West of the country. It is also the guiding thread that motivates and advances. The young man believes that this program makes it possible to better know the region and to work to reduce pollution, unemployment, immigration …

It is only by valuing the mountain and creating wealth that it will be possible to protect the environment and the nature of the country. For him, tourism is responsible and sustainable or not. In his conception of tourism he thinks that “Nature, sea and mountain are also and above all the main resources that can nurture, care for and cleanse our body and our mind.” Yoga allows us to live in harmony with ourselves and nature “.

And for the moment, the argument of the young entrepreneur is to affirm: “No need to go to the other end of the world to relax. Our country offers various packages of Zen stays in the mountains in order to breathe clean air in altitude, to recharge your batteries, to discover the flora, .. In the site of the bay of Melloula, we propose 2 days of Yoga Dharma in the mountains of Kroumirie “

The YOGA program in Tunisia 

Day 1 – An introduction to yoga. The class will include: Integration, Sun Salutation A, Sun Salutation B, Core Series, Crescent Lunge Series / Flow, Balancing (Tree, Dancer, etc.). A special emphasis is placed on the position of Svasana and Fetal.

The class will be followed by a discussion on the concept of Ahimsa, non-harmful. The philosophical discussion about responsible actions towards oneself, others, animals and the earth … When the weather allows it, the program proposes diving in the afternoon.

Day 2 – Second class yoga with a variety of flows in the Sun Salutation B. The focus will then be placed at the level of discussion about karma yoga, or being of service. The philosophical view on Karma yoga will fit into the cultural presentation of Tunisia and Tabarka. Participants will then have the opportunity to visit Tabarka and interact with places, sites, flavors, …. The objective will then be to enable participants to understand their position and tourist role in a country while learning and embracing their culture.

It is only with the multiplicity of such niche offers that Tunisian tourism will reinvent itself. For the time being, the initiatives follow each other and are not alike and that’s good!


Chokri Mansour: Mansour_chokri@yahoo.fr

Phone: +216 21 248 628