We can not say that Habib Bourguiba Avenue is particularly beautiful on Google Street View! And yet, this Google service will be very useful to tourists, visitors to the capital … By Amel DJAIT

“Google Street View” is a service launched in May 2007 to complete Google Maps and Google Earth. It allows to navigate virtually in the streets of cities and towns of different countries of the world. Available in more than 64 countries and regions, its tour in Tunisia began in September 2016.

How does it work?

Google Cars travel through many cities around the world by taking 360 ° horizontal and 290 ° vertical photos. Thanks to GPS, each photo is recorded and geolocated. They are then processed by computer programs created by Google before being added to Google Maps.

What is the use of this in Tunisia? This tool makes it possible to make a virtual visit of many touristic sites in Tunis to start, then in many cities. With the map, it is possible to prepare a route, view the photos of the places where you will go, validate a place where you will stay …

For some other needs, know that you can search for car parks and check access for people with reduced mobility, show your potential customers what your accommodations offer, business, ….

Street View googles are also available in applications

To view it

lien: https://www.google.tn/maps/place/Avenue+Habib+Bourguiba,+Tunis/@36.8003228,10.1862813,3a,75y,176.34h,81.25t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-XF7IJDX3kxc/VhxEohq-u7I/AAAAAAABZeI/Ng9zdY7v4qQRFgiZTDpO2dy8At1Rb–owCJkC!2e4!3e11!6s//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-XF7IJDX3kxc/VhxEohq-u7I/AAAAAAABZeI/Ng9zdY7v4qQRFgiZTDpO2dy8At1Rb–owCJkC/w203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya220.31688-ro0-fo100/!7i8192!8i4096!4m5!3m4!1s0x12fd346987ae54b1:0x9aec62e94b314b47!8m2!3d36.800399!4d10.1866195?hl=en