Vlog 66 kiff

Share this 9 minutes 35 seconds video Yassine Redissi’s Vlog Tunisia is a bowl of vitamins, good vibes and big kiff.

Kiff, the word is dropped!

It’s precisely kiff and even 66 kiff! Full-time dream salesman, journalist, director and part-time entrepreneur Yassine Redissi offers rides in Tunisia with a style proper to himself.

Watch the video of Tunisia by bike and the nod to the Print of 1001tunisie; 1001Tunisie, The Winter Collection

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In this video you will discover The Lemon Tour.

A superb initiative to discover Tunisia by bike. The company provides bikes, helmets, guides and good mood! The pace is quiet and walks are accessible to children and all levels.

66kiff is a vlog, a video blog, which wants to be a survival guide of the good living! Good plans, getaways, new addresses and other small pleasures of life!

For further information:  www.66kif.tn

Photo Credit: 66kiff