“Organic Cactus SeedOil – OriginTunisia” is the new brand of the promotion program of the Tunisian organic pear oil.

Launched by the Directorate General of Organic Farming in the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, in collaboration with Tunisian companies operating in the organic cosmetics sector and with the support of the PAMPAT project To the Food and Agricultural Commodities Markets) implemented by UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) this program is financed by the SECO (State Secretariat for the Economy of the Swiss Confederation) .

The program aims to make known the virtues and the specificities of the oil of prickly pear and to promote the wide range of cosmetic products that results from it such as serums, creams, shampoos, soaps, massage oils, …

Prickly Pear Oil: 100% Tunisian and organic

Tunisia is one of the countries with the largest areas of barbaric fig trees in the world, thanks to a warm climate favorable to its development. The sector contributes to the social development of several regions of the country. Nicknamed “the Sultan of the Fruits” in the lexical culture of the country, the fruit conceals many hidden treasures in its … pips! Essentially, a miraculous oil.

The oil of prickly pears is a cosmetic oil of the most prized. A true elixir of beauty, this oil dethrone all other oils in cosmetics, thanks to its natural and dermatological virtues.

Tunisian pear oil is pure and certified organic, according to the requirements of the international markets. Indeed, thanks to the European recognition of its control and certification system, Tunisia is now one of the leading countries producing and exporting organic products in Africa.

The promotion of this product will start internationally at the Vivaness cosmetics fair in Nuremberg.

On the occasion of this participation, prepared with the support of the AHK

(The Tunisian Chamber of Industry and Commerce), several promotional materials have been developed to ensure the visibility of the products and a media campaign with a specialized agency in Germany will be organized.

B to B

Meetings with companies and the various partners of the project will also be organized with the aim of promoting the oil of prickly pears. Miraculous. The IPD, the German import promotion agency, will organize BtoB meetings for the profit of the companies of prickly fig oil of BIO in order to identify the potential buyers.

Other promotional events are on the horizon. Tunisian Organic Cactus SeedOil – OriginTunisia will also participate in Tunisia Spa, which will be held in Tunisia in April and will be the occasion to launch a campaign at the national level. In May, the oil will participate in the Beauty World Fair, which will be held in Dubai.

An ambitious program that aims to make the oil of Barbary fig Biological another flagship product of Tunisia …

Press Release and AD