9h.Tozeur. In one of the hotels in the area, the room is filled and everyone is welcome in a relaxed atmosphere. Suddenly, we hear sounds and laughter in the garden. These are the women of the Association of Hezoua arriving. They are an integral part in the new project of the Chamber of development of Saharan tourism and oasis (Cdtos). A project that focuses on the value of cultural tourism development in the Nafta area through the development of a film circuit; that of Star Wars!


The project is part of the initiative of the German cooperation GIZ, through its office in Tunis, which launched a new initiative to support innovative projects through the Fund job GIZ, implemented by the German international cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of the federal Ministry for economic cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project aims to support a diversified and sustainable tourism development in order to develop local tourism by diversifying its products, improving its services and highlighting the cultural and environmental heritage of Tozeur.

This is to brainstorm with key tourism players in the region (local authorities, Ministry of Tourism, Civil Society, travel agencies, guides, carriage owners …) that all present are activated. Nabil Gasmi, President of Cdtos, is listening. It takes tact, dialogue and patience to bear a sensitive project. It must be said that this is the “Save Mos Espa” that draws its strength. In 2014, the Association is strongly committed, with others, to save the only site remained intact from the popular Star Wars series of stagnation and destruction. For this new project, the association aims to better meet tourist demand, increase overnight stays by offering more products and services to boost tourism on new foundations, retaining film heritage in the three places of intervention (Gorge Sidi Bouhelal, Mos Espa website and website Lars Homestead) and finally give a thematic training which will involve a large number of players: 40 mountain guides, 120 tourist drivers, 40 artisans etc.
The region is struggling but suffers from a decline in tourism. “Tourism is here an important vehicle for socio-economic development and had to keep the liver in the sector. This is much easier said than done!” Karem says Dassy, President of the Association Safeguard of the Medina of Tozeur (ASM), another very active association in the area. “Times are tough but Djeridois are known for their sense of solidarity. We have always worked with the voluntary and community! This is the same value that gave the tempo for the people to use water, management … oasis. ” he says.

I must say that this is the same participatory process bringing another project, financed and supported him as the Giz, training guides, creating new circuits in the oasis of Tozeur, the renovation of fifty carriages …


This historical and social fabric could therefore only support projects of the team of the Fund Application of the Giz. Tobias Seiberlich Saya and Sami, in charge of the Fund, it was to “develop sustainable tourism and promote a tourism offer based on environmental quality, cultural and social. This project aims to develop spaces and territories that rely on their natural and cultural potentials ”

That much of the world embarked on a new adventure. An adventure that arrives at points designated with the 40 th anniversary of Star Wars. An event that  the region will celebrate.