The southern and western borders Northwest

A cross section in sociological thickness of the here and now that continues throughout the country to achieve both formats.

A first format of 24 documentary episodes (in a short and medium-length format, each episode concerns an area of the country and addresses various regional themes of interest) projected continuously at a party in what remains of cinemas on whole republic.

The second format is a “feature” documentary  of all the topics covered (regardless of location) that prompts a sharp thinking, free, moving, dynamic, to reflect Tunisia and try to become consistent the political project – societal, economic and social – with the anthropological and sociological context of Tunisian society and taking into account regional specificities.

Testour, southern town of Northwest in Sakiet Sidi Youssef, at its western border, evidence is taken through the territory, ages, genders, social classes, regardless of ideological orientation criteria. “Citizen camera” of reflection, free speech, sharing, listening, without taboos or prejudice, without dirigisme or preparation … let free responses of the citizens to carry words of a symbolic revolution , constitution, code of personal status, Islam, violence, labor, women, youth …
No memory, no projection in the Future …
Testour to “Essaguia” cross word reveals the deep contradictions from one individual to another, from one group to another, but also in the same person. It gives a different reading of Becoming political, economic and social. It warns of breakdown of social norms and values, the emergence of other “cultures” – crop refuges, derivates cultures – and the appearance of destructuring social phenomena being commonplace.

Episode 1 “Testour”
Testour, city of Berber-Roman roots, Andalusian city, city of Malouf and Habiba Msika of sectarian coexistence and tolerance whose minaret align the cross, the Star of David and the crescent, the land of orange, pomegranate and cheese … book in the waves of conflicting words which contradict Testour citizen of impressions from all sides on his city, his community, his life …
Testour in 2013, the artery of the city with its large forbidden to women, a young woman who claims Niqab and polygamy but also the maintenance of the Personal Status Code, men and women who think the 6th primary year enough education of a girl destined to marry, a 10 year old child in the coherence of her indoctrination, who dreams of Jihad, and as the Salafist who think the woman is equal to man.
Testour, a stern look on politics and politicians, another reading and other solutions to the milk shortage and economic development …

Technical sheet :
Idea and Design: Emna Ben Abdallah Menif and Lassaad
Technical means: Propaganda Production…

Episode 2 “Sakiet Sidi Youssef”
“Essaguia” border town in the past bruised, in the common history with neighboring Algeria, tells his destiny more than ever linked to Algeria. Its people share stories of smuggling, vital, with Algeria, stories sometimes the fire and blood and mingle a question: where are the trade and development policies agreements?
“Essaguia” forests and mountains become “dens” of large-scale prostitution in improvised clandestine brothels “to improve the habitat.”
“Essaguia” divided today, “Essaguia” exploring “new cultures”, drugs and alcohol, “not the one bought at the pharmacy, it is for the citizens,” a health disaster suddenly announced to ” Zatla “and” eighths of methylated spirits. ”

Technical sheet :
Idea and Design: Emna Ben Abdallah Menif and Lassaad
Technical means: Familia production, Freesh production, Propaganda Production.
Cameramen: Mohamed Ayed, Rim Mrabtini,
Sound engineers: Chehine Berriche, Adnène Meddeb
Board: Faouzi Bakhti

