This situation of instability weakens a significantly growth to our industry and our foreign partners to select other competitor countries.
We often felt that for obscure reasons the current leaders of the country refuse to admit the importance of the tourism sector yet so vital to the economy of the country.

Every day, our hoteliers are struggling to keep their open units and to maintain their positions of maximum staff. Feeling ignored, misunderstood, not supported, bludgeoned by the introduction of new taxes, they know well that this extreme crisis will continue and prepare for the worst.

Direct and Clear: The hotel industry, as it is the case for our economy, is dying and bloodless.

It is imperative that a new government has the political courage, since its establishment, take appropriate measures to restore security in a sustainable manner in the country and halt the catastrophic situation of the hotel by implementing appropriate measures immediately voluntary, otherwise an important part of the hotel capacity will not survive by the end of 2013.

It is obvious that this new wave of job losses will only inflame the serious social crisis that Tunisia already endured. Tunisians deserve to keep their jobs and Tunisia to keep its place among the most attractive countries for tourism.
We appeal to the responsibility of our leaders for this crucial sector for the national economy is sentenced to death.

Source: press release
