It is adapted from the musical work of Milan ZDRAVKOVIC, “On the Traces of the Phoenicians, an Ethnotronic Odyssey”. But beyond the performance that will take place at the Municipal Theater of Tunis Thursday, June 16 at 20h and on which Thousand and One Tunisia will return soon, “In the footsteps of Phoenicians” it is also a contest of drawings launched with young people in collaboration with the Tunisian Organization for Education and Family (OTEF).

The aim of this competition is to raise the awareness of young people to the story in a playful and educational way based on the musical support. Or how to tell the story differently and thus encourage youth to take another look at it. It is also about encouraging young people to read. This musical odyssey “from TYR to BYBLOS” intends to gather a large audience and allow young people to discover what the Phoenicians brought as riches in each city where they passed … including Carthage. The drawing contest will travel to all cities in the Mediterranean basin where the show will be performed.

For Tunis, the drawings will be exhibited from 16 to 18 June on boards and sailboats (scenery of the show) of the musical “On the footsteps of the Phoenicians” and on partner sites of the net (OTEF, Europamed ACL …). The 5 best Tunisian drawings presented at the competition will be offered an initiatory archaeological journey in a Mediterranean city.

In the footsteps of the Phoenicians: Terms of participation:

-All supports are possible: papers, fabrics, fine plastic, fine cork, etc. However it is asked that the support is neither thick nor heavy (like plaster, metal etc.)
-All forms and modes of expression are accepted. Maximum size 21 X 29.7 cm
-Colours or black and white
-All kinds of techniques

Deadline for participation:

All drawings must reach OTEF or Europamed by 4 June 2011 (postmarked). On each drawing must be clearly mentioned: the name and surname of the author, his date of birth and his precise address.

Drawings to send or deposit to: 

OTEF : 78, avenue de la liberté /1001 Tunis
Or to  Europamed  ACL :6 rue d’Angleterre /1000  Tunis
Email :

For further information :
Mme ZOUABI NEZIHA – Phone. : (+216) 98 542 597
Or Melle Melek LAKDAR – E-mail :

Listen to an extract  of “Sur les traces des Phéniciens”
