Animated by the same objective and strongly invested in the artistic life, Akacia Productions and Pulp Ground join forces to welcome the multi-talented artist Ghalia Benali. With its various musical creations, the virtuoso, captivating with expressiveness, continues to dig its furrow with a mixture of artistic lightness and professional determination mastered.

Its solar presence and the fusion of musical styles that it reinvents with each passage in front of its public, make of Ghalia today, the ambassador of the contemporary Arab music in the world. After two years of absence from the Tunisian alternative scene, the artist will find his fans again during TUNES # 8, June 2, 2018 at Carpe Diem-Tunis for a musical tour of the most awaited! Ghalia Benali will be accompanied by Zied Zouari (Violin), Imed Alibi (Percussion) and Pascale Snoeck (Electronic music), the opportunity to discover his new musical project “One Hour Before the Gods Awake”

Ghalia Benali was born in 1968 in Brussels. In 1972, his Tunisian parents, both students, decided at the end of their studies to return to their country of origin. The work of her father (doctor) leads them to settle in the south of Tunisia … For Ghalia, it is a new world that opens to her, a world she will constantly compare with his … to better the understand. In 1987, she decided to go back to Belgium to pursue graphic design studies. Far from her country, her first impetus is to find those “moments of happiness” that she knew during her childhood with her mother, her aunts and her classmates. Animated moments in music, singing and dancing throughout endless evenings around fantastic tales. The small intimate evenings between Tunisians for multiple occasions are multiplying …
In 1989, she met Moufadhel Adhoum, a Tunisian lutenist, who came to study the deco at the Brussels Fine Arts. A great success accompanies this first appearance on stage. This will be the beginning of a long series of concerts throughout Belgium. She then multiplies the journeys and meetings with musicians of different origins and musical horizons. She sings in Shahnez (Arab-flamenco), Yoda (ethnic), Al Palna and Nada (Arab-Indian), Maak Spirit (jazz), Hhkaly (electro) and Timnaa (araboflamenco-folk). In 2001, she recorded her first CD “Ghalia Benali & Timnaa” on the Network label. Then follow the albums “Romeo & Leila”, “Al Palna”, in collaboration with the sitar player Bert Cornelis, and “Ghalia Benali sings Om Kalthoum.

The Carpe Diem – Tunis is open since October 2012 in the northern suburbs of Tunis, this unique and essential place announces its desire to stand out by focusing on conviviality and proposing simple and original concepts. Much more than a unifying place of life, the Carpe Diem – Tunis has become an artistic meeting place promoting exchange and diversity. It also has a cultural aspect, open minded and addressed to a cosmopolitan population.

Source: CP

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