Bicycle touring is tourism that takes a place by bicycle. This one combines several trends, including adventure, sustainable transport, slow travel, experiences, ethical and responsible stays, contact with the local population etc. by using the bike as a means of locomotion and as a leisure activity. By Amel DJAIT

In Tunisia, and although several projects to make of Djerba, Zaghouan or Kerkenah cycling destinations were mentioned during the various studies of diversification of Tunisian tourism, nothing concrete and structuring is done. To date, no itinerary offers are available! We will mention however the bike path from Djerba Ulysse to Houmet Essouk and some hotel structures, guest houses and rural lodges that offer walks around their site.

Yet, the cycling market, which began with small niches in many destinations around the world, is becoming global. To date, Denmark is the flagship destination of this product, closely followed by Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, …

In terms of illustrations, we cite as examples that La Suisse à vélo = swiss by bike which manages more than 3,000 kilometers or “France Vélo Tourisme” which attracts more than one million cycling tourists each year, including a high proportion of international travelers. More ambitious, “European Cycle Route Network”, is designing a network of 14 roads that crisscross Europe. These bike routes are designed for long trips as well as for trips of a few hours. The 70,000-kilometer project is expected to be completed in 2020 and will be deployed in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Far from its ambitions, and although since 14 January 2011 the Tunisians have discovered a true passion for hiking, the bike lags behind. Struggling hard, tourism also struggles to be seduced by the bike to try to make it an attractive product for a strong international demand that pedals elsewhere and looks little at the destination.
In any case, initiatives have barely a few. Some are trying to create an annual appointment. And that’s good! This is why it is important for us to welcome the initiative of the Association ACTP El Kef (Association of Culture and Tourism Project), which is in charge of organizing an event related to sport and culture. The objective of this event is to animate the El Kef region and to unveil and present its potential. And of course, by bike!

For the 3rd edition, “Tbaskila fil Kef”, includes the tour of El Kef and the primary schools of the region to educate schoolchildren to use a clean and friendly means of locomotion.

“Tbaskila fil Kef” will take place from 11 to 14 May 2017. The circuit provides for stops at the following sites: Dahmani (altiburos, cave of arts), El Kef-center (tourist and cultural tour), Sidi Mansour (prehistoric cave) El Gattay (the great barrier of Sidi Mellègue).

The program:

Friday, May 12, 2017. 1st stage. El Gattay-Barrage Mellègue (70 klm)
9:00 am: Meeting at the Café club de chasse
10:00 am: Departure to Lake Mellègue through the small forest of gables
12:00 am: Arrival at the lake. Lunch
2:00 pm: Crossing provided by the small boats of the villagers
15:00 pm: Back to El Kef by bike
18:00 pm: Arrival at the El Kef Hunting Club
19:00 pm: End of the stage
Free Dinner
Saturday 13 May 2017. 2nd stage El Kef- Altiburos (40 klm)
9:00 am: Grouping in front of the Cafe La Cabane and breakfast At Marwen’s. Intervention at the primary school to promote cycling
10:00 am: Departure to Dahmani
12:00 am: Small break in Dahmani city. Meeting with the pupils of the primary school of Medayna
2:00 pm: Arrival at Altiburos. Guided tour
4:00 pm: Arrival at Ammar in the Grotto of the Arts. Set up camp and photo shoot with sunset
8:00 pm: Dinner
9:00 pm: Evening around the fire and musical evening

Sunday, May 14, 2017. 3rd stage. Dahmani-El Kef- Bou Makhlouf (40 klm)
9:00 am: Breakfast
11:00 am: Check out
14:00 am: Arrival in Sidi Bou Makhloof
15:00 am: Closing ceremony and animation
17:00 pm: End of the event

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