IF you like the copper, an address is required; Kahenart. There are of course the hammered copper mixed with wood, white, blue, brown … The colors are available on trays, chests, mirrors, coasters, chandeliers, tables … The creator Kahenart, Khédija Khouini-Kilani, had what it took determination and conviction to fulfill her dream and open a beautiful shop in the shopping center of Gammarth.

When the questions about what inspires her, Khédija answers: the world around her, the Tunisian heritage through family treasured objects, her happiness to receive and think of things she wants to see live in her space, the pleasure she has to cook, the softness of the material, copper, remembering the maternal gestures … one senses that her creative choices are guided by an emotional dimension very present.

Tea glasses, sugar, tea, boxes, coasters, mirror, table and low stool came gradually populated her world to become the essence of her work and her label. One can not miss one of them without that it comes to mind its author and the whole procession of objects related to it.

Kahenart the shop is in “Gammarth Center” shopping center located in the tourist area “Les Côtes de Carthage” and open Monday to Sunday 09:30 – 21:30

Kahenart : Phone: (+216) 71 730 670 / mobile :(+216) 23 277 130 / (+216) 26 468 647
E-mail: kahenart@topnet.tn
Web Site:  www.kahenart.com


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