Still, according to Mohamed Ali Toumi: “The action is part of the internationalization of FTAV operations. The Turkish association was the first after the revolution in Tunisia to come to congratulate us. Since we have established a very strong partnership and we will try to take good seed betting on the exchange of experience and the know-how in the Mediterranean tourism. ”

So for two days more than 150 Tunisian tourism professionals have had the opportunity to rub shoulders with their Turkish counterparts including dinner excellently prepared by 4 young tTunisian chefs cooking in the kitchen for 48 hours. The dinner was hosted by a fashion show and the cast of Arts and Tunisian folk tradition.

Hosted by Tourism Minister Elyes Fekhfekh, the dinner was an opportunity to meet and share in good spirits. And it is his Excellency Berhouma Mehrez, Tunisia’s ambassador in Ankara who told 1001 Tunisie: “History will not forgive! Some decades earlier, Turks came to draw Tunisian tourism model, now we will do the same and work to boost investment and to renew our approach. ”

In this he will undoubtedly be supported by the dynamic Ahmed Kalboussi, newly appointed to the office of Tunisian Tourism in Turkey and is striving to make a study of the expectations of Turkish travelers to Tunisia. Recall that they were not more than 14 000 to visit Tunisia in 2011 against 18,000 in 2010.
Irony of the story

To return to the conference whose main goal was to dissect the reasons for the success of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB), professionals recieved the approach’s epitome of the mouth of its powerful president Basaram Ulusay ” To explain the success of Turkey, I would say first promotion, secondly promotion and thirdly  promotion! “for this it is useful to remember that the promotional budget of Turkey is 80 million.

Turkey opened a promotional office in Tunis from the New Year to grow trade and above all give substance to the Tunisians who come in masse in recent years for shopping, sightseeing or business. Last year the flow of Tunisians rose by 38% compared to 2010.

Going back to the TURSAB, it has more than 6766 Turkish travel agencies, manages input from more than 50 museums in the country, inspects the surroundings of the tourist sites, educates the people in the tourism interest has its own training structures, works to promote the Turkish destination abroad by participating in exhibitions and fairs organized in Izmir one of the main fairs dedicated to tourism in the region to be held from 6 to 8 December 2012 with over 250 000 people expected …

Employing over 650 people, there is no doubt that the TURSAB is an essential link in the construction of Turkish tourism. It controls and regulates the market and aims to guarantee the seriousness of its members. It works closely with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
Turkey is undoubtedly the destination coming up. Thrilling and lively, it costs as much entertainment in Istanbul to Paris, London or New York. Inspired as much admiration as envy, Turkey has managed the feat to go from 10 million tourists in 2002 to over 31 million in 2012. 10 Years ago, one million Turkish traveled the world . They are now more than 10 million.

Where will the Turkish tourism going? Towards the 7th heaven, of course! Its goal for 2020 is to reach 50 million tourists. A challenge that seems attainable given the human and financial resources at the service of the ambitious goals of the destination.

Turkey has indeed used a portion of its resources. Up-To-date, it operates seven beach destinations out of a potential 14 and so it will soon begin to launch new niches. In its Brochuress, golf tourism, residential, yachting … In its Strategy, Turkey will further inflate on the business tourism and health.

Turkey has 11 sites listed as World Heritage by Unesco. 13,214 guides operating in the tourism sector and the hotel capacity of the destination is 400 000 beds. Up-To-date Turkey attracts 4 826 000 German tourists, 3 468 000 Russians et 2582 000 English on 31 million  tourists all in all.

Amel Djait
