With its natural sites, parks and mountainous areas, Tunisia has the means to boost green tourism. Several initiatives have emerged in recent years, particularly in the northwestern regions such as Siliana. Located in the Haut Tell between Le Kef, Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine, this region is known for its weekly agricultural market and the site of Jama (formerly called Zama) where one of the battles of the Second Punic War took place between Hannibal and King Syphax on the one hand and Scipio and Massinissa on the other.

As you well understood, we are heading to Siliana for this third episode of sponsored “Alf Thniya w Thniya” by https://www.labadira.com/

and its Spa by Clarins. At your feet so, that the visit begins!

It is in Mactaris (Makthar) that we begin our weekly trip, precisely in its museum located on the ancient site which is full of history and remains Punic and Roman. And not only! The museum also houses fragments from the Paleo-Christian and Byzantine eras.

When you have quenched your thirst for history, we recommend that you take the stroll Kesra to discover one of the most beautiful villages of Tunisia. It is the highest Berber village in the country. It is famous for its Byzantine monuments, its colorful staircases and ornamented with Amazigh symbols. This village, located in the governorate of Siliana on the Tunisian ridge at an altitude of more than 1000m, is ideal for Hikings. Do not forget to quench your thirst at the Café de la source and rest your feet in the spring water of the mountain.

No more break! At your boots, we go to Bargou! This mountain has more than 4000 inhabitants and separates the tribe of Ouled Aoun from their neighbors Kairouan Ouled Jlass. It is reached by the P4 road towards Siliana. It is considered to be the most beautiful of the Tunisian mountains. On the heights of this mountain which rises nearly 1200m above the sea, we go to visit the cottage of eco-domes. These so-called green constructions are the initiative of the Adventurers of Siliana.

Founded in 2014, this association works on empowering and strengthening rural women in Siliana, protecting the environment and developing ecotourism around women’s activities and raising children’s and young people’s awareness of the concept of citizenship. It is in this perspective that the association created the domes built with earth, clay and plaster. The concept is certainly not new, but it has been improved by Amine Draoui owner of The Eco-farm of Morneg. The idea is to demonstrate that ancestral construction techniques are as effective as those of modern times and can be even better. Plaster, for example, provides good thermal insulation.

Camping and hiking enthusiasts will probably love to spend a few days in these authentic places. The dome can accommodate up to 8 people but remember to book before you go to conquer nature! Between climbing, walking to “Ain Bousâadeya”, vigil by the fire and pottery workshop, no risk of getting bored!

You will not fail to taste the local products offered by the organizers. The region is best known for its dishes made from goat meat, homemade “mbasses” bread or the “msammen” (puff pastries).

The adventure continues elsewhere … A few kilometers and precisely to “Djebal Serj”. This 1300m high mountain is a paradise for speleologists! The more adventurous can visit the caves of “Aïn Zahr” or The mine, a chasm 20m deep that bats took for shelter. Getting there is quite complex. Do not forget to contact experts and specialists. Locals can also point you to other abandoned archaeological sites and sites, or the tombs, zaouias and mausoleums of the Saints in the area.