The most Tunisian of the Greeks celebrated on the occasion of the Greek gastronomic week at the hotel Movenpick Gammarth its 3 passions: Tunisia, Greece and the photo. Report in pictures.

The photo exhibition asks a question that surely haunts one day or another many people: In this historical and political agitation, identity is the safest route to go. That of asking the question of who am I? What am I today? In the thousand and one voyages traveled, the thousand and one lands crossed to find a possible House …

Through the exhibition, Mariana Catzaras wonders: “An olive tree where to sit, a shore where to think, a music that says the whole Mediterranean.

Because it is of the mediterranean of which it is question. A Mediterranean where Greece and Tunisia go together in their beauty, their grandeur, but also their fears and their shipwrecks.

From the face of the Greek statue flows cement. The scaffold trembles with all these refugees, these exiles, those wanderers.

And then those ports. These ports where it is good to disembark, these cupolas coming out of the earth, Sea and land together.

An identity concern.

Where the being arises to travel serene. Is this possible today? Photography is this possible House. In exile, this cloth lent by the world, to lighten the internal cold.

Marianne Catzaras has many talents and excels in writing, art critic and photography. Curator of exhibitions, after studying literature at the Sorbonne, she devoted herself to photography.

The young woman makes portraits of artists, minorities, and landscapes of the end of the world are her favorite subjects. She creates a surreal world in which the familiar rubs off with the unusual, where the confines of reality frequent a disturbing imagination.

Knight of arts and letters, this Tunisian of Greek parents was born and lives in Tunis. On the other side of the sea “is the title of the exhibition which summarizes for her the spirit of the two shores of the Mediterranean. The exhibition is itinerant and Marianne Catzaras wants to show through her another face of Greece and Tunisia.

When asked who is Mariana Catzaras, she claims her insularity (born in Djerba). In an interview she recently gave, she says: “So I grew up close to the ports where the boats leave and return sometimes. So the departure, the journey, the crossing, the other country at the end of the trip are part of my identity as a Greek and a Tunisian at the same time “.

The exhibition was held from 23 to 29 at the Movenpick Hotel Gammarth. She will tie new moorings elsewhere shortly.