Majd Mastoura is one of the faces of this Tunisia we love! An artist who by his talent has carried the colors of Tunisia loudly and winning at the “Berlinale 2016” Silver Bear for the best actor for his interpretation of the role Hedi directed by Mohamed Ben Attia. A native of Menzel Abderrahmane, he talks about his village, the way he looks at his country, welcomes civil society and welcomes the bubbling of his youth. By Amel DJAIT

1001tunisie: How are you since the silver bear of the best actor at the Berlin festival? With hindsight and, what precise memory do you keep from that moment?

Majd MASTOURA: I’m fine. Nothing really changed except for a stronger appetite to embark on other artistic adventures.

What are your news? What are you working on now?
I just moved to Paris to pursue my theater studies. I do a lot of festivals, like Mohamed, Rym and Sabah for that matter! It is exciting ! I like traveling, meeting people and talking about the movie “Hedi”. I’m preparing for the French release of the film scheduled for December 28th.

Do you have any projects in the viewfinder?
With my agent, we are seeing a few projects that might interest me. I am also in the process of translating a text “The public thing” of Philippe Dujardin from the French to the Tunisian dialect.

When you are in Tunisia, what are your favorite places?
For breakfasts there is the kitchen of the family house in Menzel Abderrahmen with a view of our garden, the city and the lake. Then there is the old port of Bizerte and the small harbor of Menzel Abderrahmen.
Other than that, frankly, I’m not someone who comes out a lot! I prefer the evenings in houses where you can listen to good music, dance and speak at your ease.

If I tell you Tunisia is a flavor or taste, what would it be?
That of the harissa and a good Turkish coffee bi’zhar (with the water of orange blossom)

What if I told you a perfume? What would you choose?
That of jasmine and tobacco.

When a foreign friend who wants to discover Tunisia. What route do you prepare? Where would you take her/him?
It must imperatively pass through Bizerte and my little piece of paradise of Menzel Abderrahmen. Then I would surely visit Kerkennah and Djerba that I adore!
To surprise them, I will make them taste the “mloukhiya”, taste a good couscous and enjoy a good old Magon.

Do you have any favorite places to share with 1001tunisie readers? A favorite in particular?
I would say to visitors who want to discover Tunisia to leave the classic circuits and tours and especially to avoid clichés. I encourage them to visit Carthage, Sbeitla, Bulla Regia and Chemtou. These are exceptional archaeological sites! I give them a tip. Squat a wedding ceremony of Kerkenah or Kef. This will be unforgettable!
To discover Tunisia, the real one, we must go to meet the lives of Tunisians ! Do not stop at the postcard!

You are a native of Menzel Abdrehamane. Do you have family? Do you go there often? What is a typical day or the ceremonial of Majd Mastoura in his stronghold?
I go there often. It’s my peaceful corner. This is where I spent my childhood in a beautiful little coastal town with very good fish. Now that I live in France, and many of my friends are in Tunis, I spend my days between the house with my family and with my friend M. We are often in a car, a scooter or on foot walking and talking about everything and nothing.

What do you think of the political situation in Tunisia? Are you disappointed with the revolution?
Disappointed with the political class which up to that moment is incapable of being equal to the demands of the revolution and which can not respond to the aspirations of the bubbling youth.
On the other hand, I am glad that youth and civil society are so active. Initiatives such as “Menich Msemah” have succeeded in revising the latest version of the law on economic reconciliation. I am also thinking of citizen initiatives such as Jemna.

What do you think of Tunisian cinema? What are the latest movies you’ve seen?
There is a certain freshness in the films that we have seen in recent years. This freshness must be supported by the Ministry of Culture and all the organizations involved in the creation of cinematography.

What are your plans for the year 2017?
Continue to work in France and Tunisia. Currently, there are workshops of writing and theater with the French cooperation which are in the course of preparation.