
It is time to schedule your next vacation in Tunisia. Do you want to take a ride with your children, discover a part of your country or make a foray into deep Tunisia? Dougga, is the place to visit! It is a cultural and natural site. A historic site classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Dougga is located in the north-west of Tunisia, in the region of Téboursouk more precisely. The archaeological site is located outside of the city, on the top of a hill 571 m above sea level.

Dougga! Nothing but the name sounds like a poem!

Dougga with a temperate climate and a fertile land has been exploited by the Carthaginians, the Romans, the Numidians, the Byzantines … “It is the smallest Roman city in North Africa” that is best preserved. Is done to the rhythm of the sun, the wind, the mood and the guide that accompanies you. Take the time to look good and enjoy. Dougga is surprising. It can be visited in an hour or four, but also in a day or two!

dougga8On the site, close your eyes, smell the herbs and you will almost hear life come alive under your eyes, the steam escaping from the thermal baths and the horses’ hooves knocking in the marble. Note that before the annexation of Numidia by Rome, Thugga (ancient name of Dougga) had more than six centuries of history and was, in all likelihood, the first capital of the Numidian kingdom.

On the Dougga archaeological site, you are in a park of 75 hectares and a city whose all the components testify of more than 17 centuries of history. So get ready to walk and dream …

Never miss the Libyco-Punic mausoleum. This is an example of royal architecture Numide. It is the tomb of a Numidian prince who consists of 3 floors and rises to the sky with 21 meters of height. A little further on is the Capitol. It is a Roman temple, sanctuary dedicated to Juno Jupiter and Minerva, which dates from the 2nd century. Thanks to the Byzantine fortification, it was preserved. The temples of Dougga are a religious building built by the rich families of the time. To benefit the community in order to beautify the city. The aqueducts, symbol of Romanity, are hydraulic monuments that supply the city with running water. A little further on is the Dougga Roman Theater. Well preserved, the building consists of 19 bleachers that can accommodate up to 3500 spectators.

Dougga can be visited in an hour or two. But if you catch the virus and want to know more about baths, marbles, columns, beliefs, dangerous connections with Pompeii … think of returning the next day and stay in Dougga.

If you are planning to spend the night in Dougga, we suggest the hotel “Thugga” which is 6 km from the archaeological site. For reservations call (+216) 78 465 71.

Otherwise, we offer a lunch at “Dar Jdoud”
A traditional house that offers the opportunity to savor the typical dishes of the region. The rate is 35dt for adults and 25dt for children. To book phone (+216) 22 301 604.

Photo Credit: Mehdi Ben Abdallah