Selma Ellouze has been running a lovely guest house in Sfax for almost 10 years; Dar Selma. The reputation of the establishment as much as the cooking and the generosity of the mistress of the place are no longer to be done. The comments and appreciations of the travelers on the net will make pale many people, to less to set the course on the host table that it holds. Interview by Amel DJAIT

1001tunisie: Dar Salma is the first guest house in Sfax. When was the opening? How is such a decision made?
Selma Ellouze: Dar Selma is open since August 2009. The house has become a little too big for my husband and me once the children have left. We used to have a lot of friends, the atmosphere was very pleasant and we shared good times with the family and our guests. It was then that one of my friends gave me the idea. She told me that many people would want to visit and live Tunisia with me!

Was it complicated? What should we change?
The beginnings seemed strange and difficult to me. There was a bit of confusion between the landlords, friends, customers, returners, regulars … My hosts became more and more numerous and they totally shared our family life. It was so intense, pleasant, rewarding ….

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Who are your customers? What are they looking for?
I would say fans of sharing and real exchanges. People, like you and me, who want a tailor-made holiday and need and want to accompany and complicity.
We share accommodation, meals, tea, walks. We do the market and cook in joy. We leave to discover Sfax and its corners as well as the whole of the region. (Accompaniment on request and optional).
Sometimes I try to let my guests discover themselves … On the way back, they tell me, it’s with you and it’s you that we came to meet! In fact, they often tell me that they came to discover Sfax but also and especially two people, Salma and Hafedh (my husband)!

What programs do Dar Selma propose to discover Sfax?
The walks vary according to the season. During the olive harvesting season, for example, we attend and participate in picking, visiting oil mills, tasting and buying olive oil.
On a regular basis, we visit the medina of Sfax, we go to discover the Kerkennah islands and pass through the Chebba or Mahdia. Our days take place between outings at sea, swimming, strolling by the seaside. People pass by and re-pass and each time they are magic encounters!


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What is a typical day with Selma?
There is not any ! We decide together on a day-to-day schedule of the stay. The guests attend all the family ceremonies such as weddings, engagements, private parties … We are together to communicate and have a good time!

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Dar Selma receives more tourists or Tunisians?
Dar Selma makes no difference between the two. Tourists are becoming scarce at the moment. I’m sad. I miss them ! They were part of my life! Fortunately, the Tunisians are beginning to take an interest in housing in guest houses and to reserve especially for meals. They discover the table d’hôtes formula.

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How do you resist the crisis of Tunisian tourism today?
Precisely, I made an extension in the house and created a large dining room where I organize dinners and lunches. The Tunisian gastronomy in general and the “sfaxian” in particular are rich and varied. With my experience and precious family recipes, Dar Selma highlights the specialties of the region and its products of the soil.
I am really enthusiastic because people book to discover the flavors of yesteryear and dive into the universe of Tunisian specialties. There is a real demand for this product and we are delighted!