He is brown, young and handsome. When you see him you want to marry him to your daughter or to set up a business to be coached with him. Mahdi Mahjoub is a young artist who takes his first steps in the theater and wins success in series. On stage, as much as in life, he gives and knows how to surround himself. For this interview, we go to meet one of the headliners of this generation of tunisians who have the wind in their sails. The artist who makes a tour with his show kar- wa- far is also an entrepreneur who accompanies the SMEs in the process of creation to put in place strategies of development.He collaborates with several programs and bodies such as the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Arab Institute of Business Leaders (IACE). By Amel DJAIT

1001Tunisia: In brief, introduce us your itinerary?

Mahdi Mahjoub: My background is quite atypical and led me to wear several caps. I am an entrepreneurial expert, a doctoral student in finance and an artist. I share my life between entrepreneurial culture and my passion for the theater.

Where is the artist in all this?

If one approaches my identity as an artist, my journey may seem rather original. In a few years, I have made great strides of which I am proud!

I made my first artistic debut behind Lamma Slam’s “Open Mic” and the Teatro Studio. I ended up finishing at a national competition, the “Comedy Show” in 2014. These experiences allowed me to believe more in my passion and to go back on stage. Getting back on stage is paramount for me. I got back on stage in February 2016 with my first show. It is an adventure that I live with passion and that leads me beyond my expectations.

Until you find Jamel Debbouze!

Absolutely! Débbouze, the international star chose me to do her first show in last July in Sousse with my show kar wa far

What is a typical day with Mahdi Mahjoub?

Since I am an entrepreneur, I love my days as much as my nights. Between teaching, consulting missions, conferences, events and research work besides customer appointments, I can assure you that most of the time, our only 24 hours are not enough!

The evening also brings a lot of activities. Between training sessions, artistic rehearsals, some afterwork and shows, I have to admit that I have a very rich schedule that leaves little room for respite.

How have you been since your last performance?

Well, well, very well! Hamdelah! The scene is really a magical place. You know, once you taste it, you can not do without it!

There is a lot of stage fright before each show, but all these emotions then give way to a sensation that I can not describe! I can not describe to you the feeling of knowing and seeing that you transmit positive waves and joy to the spectators. I love to live the emotions of the public and see it manifest by laughter, smiles and thanks. There is no more beautiful and more exhilarating for an artist.

How do you feel about your “kar wa far show”?

Honestly, I find that my overall assessment is quite satisfactory. During the genesis of this artistic project, we set ourselves goals and a clear evolutionary strategy. We have exceeded our objectives and my team and I am very happy.

In reality, we had some challenges and we succeeded! To mark the inauguration of an international festival and to ensure the first part of an international star, in this case that of Jamel Debbouze in front of thousands of people, are real stages in the life of an artist. In personal challenge, I wanted to succeed to display full on many occasions and it is done! I am happy !

What precise memory do you have of these moments?

I have several great moments in mind! But if I had to choose one, it would be on my first show. I still remember the tears shed that day.

Of course, there were other important moments including my meeting with Jamel and the rise on stage in front of thousands of people who did not know me! I also think back to stand up on the mythical stage of El Teatro by displaying full. You know, that moves me again!

And today, what is your topicality?

Since the beginning of 2017, we are on tour. We started in Tunis at El Teatro, then we performed in Gabes and Sfax. We are heading for Sousse, Monastir and Bizerte. We will then return for a last show in Tunis

What are you working on now?

I work on several projects in parallel. The first is the imminent defense of my thesis and a book on the managerial strategy of hedging against the risk of change.mahdi2
To better know your tastes and share your addresses with 1001tunisie, what are your favorite places in Tunisia for a breakfast, a date and a dancing evening with friends?

I am a fan of authentic places where nature is in symbiosis with space by inviting relaxation. I am therefore tempted to say that the sea is a good compromise.

That said, and to answer your question, I would gladly take a breakfast in Sidi Bou Said at the Café des Nattes “9ahwa el Aliya” or in the old port of Bizerte. For a gallant rendezvous, I would like to enjoy a beautiful sunset in Kerkennah or Timbaine in the Tunisian desert, at Camp Mars more precisely. To celebrate, to be lost between the different pubs of La Goulette, where the nightlife is flourishing and revives a past full of nostalgia.

If I told you that Tunisia is an energy, what would you choose?

Tunisia is for me an energy of love.

What if I told you a perfume, a flavor, a woman and a tree? What would you choose?

I am a great lover of orange blossom and its haunting odor. In terms of taste, I would not find better than the flavor of kaak warka made with water of wild raspberry Nesri of Zaghouan.

If I had the chance to be a woman, I would definitely choose to become Dido! It gave birth to the longest civilization of this earth. As for my choice of tree, I would choose the olive tree for its perseverance and its generosity.