The Tunisian Federation of Travel and Tourism Agencies (FTAV) has invited ECTAA (European Confederation of Travel Agencies and Tour Operators) to hold its General Assembly in Tunisia on 1 and 2 December 2016. This meeting has registered the participation of operators of 23 different nationalities.

Considering the conjuncture, it is doubtful that bringing the ECTAA is not simple! Mohamed Ali Toumi, president of the FTAV, confirms: “The choice of Tunisia by the ECTAA results from a long-term work which lasted almost two years and which despite difficult negotiations with certain members having vetoed , Ended up favorably “. And that’s good!

Such an event sheds light on the Tunisian destination, although, as Merike Hallik, President of ECTAA, states: “We have come to discuss our professional concerns in the field of travel or consumer protection, All to support Tunisia and we hope that the travel restrictions imposed by some countries towards it will soon be lifted “. The message is clear! Work and effort must be continued! Tunisia must continue to fight against the travel restrictions imposed on it!

While some official policy statements are enthusiastic and call for Tunisia to be a safe destination, travel restrictions are not lifted! One has only to recall, for example, the recent statements of former Prime Minister Mr. Manuel Valls during the Tunisia2020 Conference or during Youssef Chahed’s trip to France in early November 2016! At a moment the acts must follow the commitments! To this day the French restrictions still weigh on Tunisia until January 19th 2017:

Michel de Blust, Secretary General of ECTAA said it loudly and in his own way. He regretted the position of certain countries which maintained negative opinions concerning travel in Tunisia: “In 4 or 5 European countries, Tunisia is still a victim of this principle of tyrannical precaution … It is time to reflect on reviving the Tunisian destination “.

The ECTAA is a professional association of national associations of travel agencies and tour operators. It cooperates with the institutions of the European Union and international organizations and represents a vis-à-vis whose opinion is important. Founded in 1961, it includes national associations of travel agencies and tour operators from the 28 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and the EU candidate countries, as well as 3 affiliated members including the Tunisian Federation Of Travel Agencies since May 2015.

For Mohamed Ali Toumi, the challenge for Tunisia is to make Tunisia the “favorite destination of ECTAA for 2018” ECTAA Preffered Destination. Each year, a tourist destination is promoted and supported by ECTAA, which promotes it to its members by adding value to it. In 2017, it will be the region of central Portugal (Coimbra) that will be its favorite destination.

Confident, Mohamed Ali Toumi considers the relevance of this objective: “We will work now on this objective because we are convinced and we believe in fundamental role played by ECTAA in the professional spheres of travel in Europe”.

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