An internet    petition   has been circulating for a few months but failed to really mobilize more than 1,000 people. The purpose of the petition is twofold. Pull yet another alarm bell and especially try to include Djerba on the Unesco list of sites listed as World Heritage.

The petition comes in detail on the damage caused by the lack of awareness of the importance of Tunisian heritage and ignorant governance. As such, it laments, among others, the destruction of the Punic, ancient cisterns and the large pavement baths. Thus, a vast and magnificent mosaic dated second century just disappeared during the construction of the road and act as further destruction.

Presented by the former Minister of Culture Mr. Ezzedine Bach-Chaouech, a file was proposed to convince Unesco Commission and it is essential to support this request more pressure, insistence and influence . The objective therefore is to create a chain around this idea and work to save the island of Djerba.

We read in the petition: “It’s the women and men of good will and love of democracy and freedom that we address, to express in advance our thanks for their support along their participatory efforts, and greet dedication with which the leaders of the National Heritage Institute responsible for investigating the case, and all friendly people dedicated to the preservation of Djerba, the preservation of its ancient memories, and in this case to the success of this project presented at the UNESCO Commission for possible inclusion in the month of September 2012, the island on the World Heritage list of Humanity. ”

Amel Djait

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