The Palace of photography is a cultural center open to photography related to the region, country, culture. Between teaching, research, dissemination and technics, this new place that opens its doors in Sfax to discover talents, to reveal the passions, to support projects. Sfax into an undeniable capital of photography. Interview with Pierre Gassin, photographer and promoter of the project, to discuss in particular the inaugural exhibition of the project; Tunisia? And tomorrow?

1001tunisie: How have you chosen to inaugurate the Palace Sfax photography?

Pierre Gassin: The inaugural exhibition presents a positive, constructive, optimistic Tunisia. As many looks as authors, known and unknown, photographers, artists or students, but always in the same direction: TOMORROW!

Or creative documentary on the formal level, the exhibition reflects the solutions, the relay vocations innovations. The works are accompanied by text explaining how each image reflects the Tunisia of tomorrow. Hope, love, trust are the words that guide us. A book will also be printed on this occasion.

Introduce to us the house of photographer in Sfax? What is it about? What is your agenda for 2017?

The Palace of Photography (Palais longer inspires the rest of the world, the next “Palace of 1001 nights”!) Is a membership organization that tries to invent an autonomous cultural structure financially …

The activities are numerous. They are not framed civil society (voluntary) and by professionals. To summarize, there are as many departments as archives (to create a database accessible given to researchers, students, publishers …), guided productions (young – and less young- guided on medium matters and long terms, with meetings of regular “editorial” , and courses tailored to the needs), thematic exhibitions, local exhibitions, publishing, film screenings, film analysis, meetings, round tables, residence …

There is too much? No problem, there is still more! I forgot a consistent picture library! In the draft guidelines, it must retain independence, passion, pedagogies, constant exchanges, curiosity, and love of the country.


Who are you targeting? Who is your audience?
Passionate couples are concerned! We will soon contact all schools, and receive from kindergartens to universities.

The Palace of Photography receives all the time. The ground floor is a space for work and meetings. Everyone can participate, listen, talk to all activities. The floor is reserved for exhibitions, calmer.

What is the budget of the house? How it will work?
The start-up budget is supported by the Ministry of Culture, through Sfax Capital of Arab Culture, but also by the donation of the Iris Centre (Paris) and then by special aid.

Photography The Palace is in contract with the agency Signature – House photographers in Paris for the distribution of images produced on site. The rights received will help the general funding, interns, common hardware, and groups of authors. There will be plenty of volunteers, and also volunteers soon Volunteers provided by France and the City of Grenoble. Each volunteer will be attended by Tunisian trainees. Beautiful exchanges in perspective!

Back to the inaugural exhibition. Positive Tunisia is the title? Why this theme?
The first exhibition is “TOMORROW” – Look straight ahead!
I wanted to break the gloom. Show solutions, desires, poetry, rather than repeating the same refrains discouraged and discouraging! Do not look back either, but believe in the near future. Elections are coming and it seems important to sensitize the youth to citizenship, commitment, and solidarity.

Who exhibits?
Known, unknown, young, old … I looked at the pictures. The result is varied, overall, amazing. But I leave you surprised.

pierre2What are the themes of the exhibition?
There is a game, nature, ecology, women of heads, Heritage …

So positive Tunisia is a plea for the country, as opposed to a negative Tunisia?
Yes, of course I refused this negative image so easily conveyed. I travel the country for quite some time, and I discovered so much passion. I see everywhere initiatives …

Is the exhibition political?
Political? Yes, but not a politician! If a citizen is to engage the community, yes, it’s political.
Pierre Gassin, you are yourself a photographer. What are your work on Tunisia?
I have a facebook account that publicly shares a lot of positive images of the country. I try to transmit my visceral love of this country, its differences, its mixed culture. I am passionate about real people, deep landscapes. I like to find the beauty and love everywhere. And share. And Tunisia is so conducive to my research …. I am a naive love!
You live in Sfax for some time, what do you like? Why Sfax?
I feel good in Sfax. A city that has impressive potential, and a civil society that can provide the means to change, revolutionize their surroundings. I find in Sfax the complexity and richness of my Mediterranean culture. I feel curiosity, solidarity, openness, warmth of the people … Do not listen to the legends. And the food is so good …

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