The object of this operation entitled “The balls of freedom- lil Onf, no to violence” is to perpetuate the memory of the martyr through the message of liberation and flying balloons. These are the colors of the Tunisian flag with printed above the portrait of CH.BL. Women, men, children of all stripes, of all ages are solicited during this time to launch a two balloons in the sky, in recognition of one who symbolizes the struggle for freedom of expression and against all forms of violence. In the presence of artists, singers, visual artists, actors, etc., we will invite Ms. Basma martyr’s widow and two children at inaugural release. Meanwhile a group of instrumentalists, standing on a platform in front of the audience in silence begin an extract of the national anthem and (in cosmopolitan note) the Ode to Joy from Beethoven.

The event has an international dimension, along with Tunisian cities, a stream of balloons will take place in several Arab and European cities.


Spectators players are invited to bring with them white and red balloons, inflate themselves – strong symbolic moment of the operation (to their own breath), throw the ball or keep it. Consult our facebook page ….
