With a few resources and a lot of ambition that the first edition of the Short Film Festival, organized by the ACT (actkef.org), held from 22 to 28 August 2016 in El Kef in the small theater pocket in the outdoor main square in the medina and 5 surrounding communities (Sidi Mansour, Bhayret Magra, Elles, Echguegua et Houmet Errabta]

The festival shows a clear ambition: a contest of short films, help screenwriting and producing one or two films with the production unit of the association.

el kef

Here it there’s no need to palaver. Only the eyes of the children of the villages where a projection was provided evidence of the impact and challenges of this young festival.

For many children, the first time before a large account screen. For some, it can change your destiny! To see the entire album: https://www.facebook.com/fckef/photos/a.303523346677934.1073741837.300574003639535/303525243344411/?type=3&theater

To return to the festival’s official competition was open to 15 min or less and movies made since the 01/01/2015.

el kef1Alongside the screenings, a photography workshop was organized by Safwan Jelloul, teaching Fine Arts in Gabes and who accompanied a dozen young adolescents to technical but also to ask just one look. In an old palace in the medina of El Kef, a development workshop screenplay was facilitated by trainers Fathi Boushila and Samia Amamy. They tutored 6 young movie buffs with a purpose; build a strong scenario, free  and original.

Each workshop participant worked on his own synopsis and a vote of the Association Committee and the Court of the Festival will select a synopsis or two to produce.festival du court

The Court heard Festival is still well organized with little means but based on a dynamic team that bet on the future. The short film is used to help young people express themselves and bring out the talent.