Tunisia Recycling is a nongovernmental organization that aims to end the garbage overflowing by attacking the problem at its source by getting directly homestay or businesses everything is recyclable. The story started with a small test awareness on the part of some citizens who mobilized for a Clean Tunisia . Today, more than 1,000 people in the northern suburbs of Tunis adhere to the recycling program. Tunisia also Recycling Awareness sorting youth especially in primary schools . Interview with Valerie Thomas , Vice President of Tunisia Recycling to take stock .

1001Tunisie : How many have you adhering to Tunisia Recycling ?

Valerie Thomas : We currently have over 1200 homes listed on our home collection service

What is your assessment after a few years of operation ?

That’s all for all, a great human history. Those activists engaged around the same goal ; one to change some habits (do not just throw n ‘ anywhere and anyhow ) . Tunisia Recycling is now a good cohesive and united team . We all believe that we can change things . Recycling Tunisia has managed to create stable and dignified 2 workstations to be proud

When Tunisia Recycle Will geographically expand its operations ?

When we have the financial means !

Our old truck remains our Achilles Heel . Failing-down too regularly, it is a money pit and remains a principal obstacle to our development. We must also strengthen our sorting capacity with an additional sorter and collection with a second driver for the particular area of vertical housing such Aouina where it is difficult to park. For now, our local becomes too small . We did neither water nor electricity . Give us the financial means and reproduce the model as a pilot project in all cities of Tunisia.

What is the volume of waste you process?

We collect, sort and resell (32% of our expenses ) over 5 tons per month.

When you say that you sell your waste treated , what does that mean ?

We resell the plastic named Anged ( with whom we have an agreement ) a small wholesaler. For paper, we use a paper collection company that resells it to a treatment plant. Glass , we appeal to SOTUVER . The paper is sold to 52ml / kg and represents nearly 50 % of waste collected. Glass is 20% and when you get to be paid is valued at 40ml / kg. For plastic,  it is +/- 30% with an oscillating price of 200 to 750 ml / kg depending on the quality . Our average resale price of 100ml per kg.

What are your members in 1200 compared to your capacity ?

Are they true ?

1173 is the exact number of registered but 387 never made requests collection to date. We aim to revive to understand why the demand for collection via the website is sometimes misunderstood . Our ability to membership , we are at the sub sorting capacity limit and the room is regularly overwhelmed . We must find funding to pay salaries and a second sorter to grow …

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